Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Blunkett attacked . . .

Not the most unusual headline for a politician, but this time the former Home Secretary was at the receiving end of the attentions of a large cow. It was attracted by his guide dog and ended up falling on his side, breaking a rib.

He told the 'Independent' - "I know that the public are furious with politicians but I didn't realise that anger has spread to Britain's cow population too. A few more inches and Labour would have been facing another unwelcome by-election in my Sheffield constituency."

Following on from Gordon Brown's remark about his wife's absence from an event in East London - "Don't worry she hasn't resigned" - Labour seems to have decided that humour could be the secret weapon to get them out of the hole ("Recession? We're on the session!!")

Out of it all, we have to thank Kevin Rawlinson at the Indo for unearthing the strange fact that cows are actually more dangerous than bulls - "Over the past eight years, 18 people have been killed and 481 injured by cows compared with 17 deaths by bulls and 123 injuries."

So if mad cow disease doesn't get you (or even swine flu), an actual mad cow might . . .

'So children remember - always take your sharpened knitting needle with you if you may encounter a cow'

1 comment:

  1. also remember...Never cross a fieled with a dog where cattle are present especially if they have calfs with them.

    Cattle don't see the dog they see the Big Bad Wolf or Fox intent on eating them.
